Mental Health

As lifespans expand and people grow more isolated from each other by technology, cognitive and mental health have become critical issues for society as a whole.

The Long Term Damage Caused By Anxiety

Article 2 min read

The Long Term Damage Caused By Anxiety

Previously considered as temporary traumatic events, panic and anxiety attacks have recently been implicated in causing long term negative effects on health.

Does Social Media Cause Social Anxiety?

Article 2 min read

Does Social Media Cause Social Anxiety?

Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family like never before. However, new evidence shows social networks actually contribute to anxiety.

Do People with Anxiety Have Higher IQs?

Article 2 min read

Do People with Anxiety Have Higher IQs?

Negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy are a common feature of anxiety. But new studies suggest anxiety sufferers may have a leg up in the IQ department.

How Screens Are Stealing Your Sleep

Article 2 min read

How Screens Are Stealing Your Sleep

It is common knowledge that electronic devices steal our attention and productivity by day. However, new research shows how they also steal our sleep at night.

The Myth of the 8 Hour Sleep

Article 2 min read

The Myth of the 8 Hour Sleep

For decades, science has extolled the virtues of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. However, until 200 years ago, humans predominantly slept in 2 distinct stages.

The 7 Worst Foods for a Good Night's Sleep

Article 2 min read

The 7 Worst Foods for a Good Night's Sleep

It comes as no surprise that caffeine should be avoided if you struggle to fall asleep at night. But there are 6 other foods you should avoid for better sleep.

The Tug of War Between Melatonin and Cortisol

Article 2 min read

The Tug of War Between Melatonin and Cortisol

Melatonin signals to the body that it is time for sleep. However, the stress hormone cortisol has the ability to undermine your sleep cycle and keep you awake.